Saturday Storytime

Bubbles, songs, rhymes, parachute games, and more! Best for youth under 5, with a caregiver. This storytime takes place at Penn Yan Public Library and will be held outdoors if the weather allows.

Health Insurance Navigation

Hicks-Kimball Room @ PYPL 214 Main Street, Penn Yan, New York

Contact the Community Health Care Association of New York State for details: Home | Community Health Care Association of New York State (

Young Voices Youth Group

A group for tweens and teens to play games, build self-esteem, and learn about healthy relationships. Facilitated by Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes,

Pokémon Club

Come and play the Pokémon trading card game with battles, trading, and snacks. Have fun, and catch ‘em all! Open to all ages; youth under 12 must have a caregiver.

Storytime at the Community Garden

Bubbles, songs, rhymes, parachute games, and more! Best for youth under 5, with a caregiver. This storytime will be held at the Penn Yan Community Garden, which is located on Pleasant Ave., off of South Ave., in the village of